He's still dancing!
Well, it's been quite a week so far!
We have had very, very low temperatures here in the Boise area the last few days, with the lowest being -6 degrees. The highs have been about 16 degrees. Of course, Saturday night, our heat stopped working. Thank goodness for fireplaces and space heaters! We weren't able to get someone to come look at it until Monday at 5pm. Fun times. But it got fixed! Tuesday, my son went to take a shower in the upstairs bathroom, but no water was coming out.....frozen pipe! yay! As soon as the temperature goes up a bit, we are going to have to check for leaks.
So what's the good news, you ask? Well, besides the fact we have heat again, I am finally able to use my My Digital Studio! The problem has been fixed, and it works beautifully now! I've been able to make a photo book for a customer of mine, and I can't wait to see how it turns out when it's printed! I'm also working on a picture CD for her as well. So that is something I will be working on this week, then this weekend is our big Christmas Program at church, and we have both Saturday and 2 Sunday services, so my weekend will be spent doing that. Then Sunday evening I am going to my parents house for my Grandpa's birthday party. Next week I get to clean the house and get ready for a company Christmas Party at our house! Busy, busy! For now, I need to go get my daughter up for school. Ok, I'll 'see' you tomorrow!
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