You may have noticed a few changes on my blog....I was playing around a little bit last night with it. It is by no means awe-inspiring, but I thought it was kinda cute...for my first attempt at it! Of course the super cute background came from
The Cutest Blog on the Block, (Thank you!) but I made the banner all by my little self! I also added a new picture of myself.
Well, I don't have a super simple card for today, but I do have pictures! We did end up going to the pumpkin patch Friday, but I have to upload the pictures from that. So I thought I would show you pictures of my stamp room and a couple from the class I had a few weeks ago! This was my first class in the room, and it sure was great to have all that space for everything!
The ones of the room itself were taken while it was still in the stages of being set up for the class. There are still a LOT of things I would like to do with the room, but I can only do so much at a time. I took a picture of the snack table, cause the class was Fall themed, and I had fall themed snacks....carmel and apples, and mini pumpkin cheesecakes! And sandwiches too, but that is an any time of year thing!
All the drawers and things are what I keep my stuff in...papers, tools, things like that. My stamps are actually on the opposite wall, in some misc. shelves and such. That is also where I have my display area. I have improved the display area since this picture was taken. I now use a tablecloth to cover the shelves underneath so it looks a lot cleaner and the mess is less distracting! I'm also now making it up for my next event, which is Christmas themed! Woohoo! My favorite time of year!
You can even see where my computer desk is in the niche, where I do all my computery stuff, and where I happen to be sitting this very moment!
Anyway, I thought I would post some pics, if you wanna see them a little better, I think you can click on them for a bigger picture.
I should be back with another card tomorrow!